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Kushaq Naming Film

ŠKODA AUTO India has christened its midsized SUV, the first vehicle designed and developed under the purview of the ‘INDIA 2.0’ project, as the ‘ŠKODA KUSHAQ’. The naming nomenclature derives its origin from an ancient language of the INDIAN subcontinent, Sanskrit, and the word ‘KUSHAK’ denotes ‘KING’ or ‘EMPEROR’. In its stance, and mannerism, the powerful new ŠKODA KUSHAQ personifies its moniker, and at the same time, reflects upon its 125 years of rich history and heritage. Further, the anointment with ‘K’ at the very start and ‘Q’ at the very end coherently resonates with the virtues of the ŠKODA SUV family: KODIAQ, KAROQ, and KAMIQ.

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